MikroTik Certified Internetworking Engineer (MTCINE) adalah sebuah program sertifikasi dari MikroTik untuk teknisi (Network Engineer) pada tingkatan expert. Dalam sertifikasi ini akan dibahas materi yang berhubungan dengan Internet Service Provider (ISP), yaitu routing protocol Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), serta teknologi Multi Protocol Layer Protocol (MPLS).
Well, for friends who want to study BGP and MPLS material in this MTCINE certification, the conditions must be to have an MTCRE certificate.
When working as a Network Engineer, NOC, and others, especially working in Internet Service Providers (ISP), will encounter several cases or configurations of BGP, and MPLS services. Therefore, many ISPs and System Integrators need Engineers who understand BGP and MPLS in theory, concept, and practice.
Friends who will study the MTCINE material will be guided by Trainers who have experience in the BGP and MPLS fields. There are even our trainers who attend workshops abroad to learn more about BGP and MPLS, and are ready to share with all of their friends.
Mr TEAV Sovandara ( MTCNA(#1306NA177), MTCRE(#1309RE121), MTCTCE(#1310TCE003), MTCINE(#1310INE003), MTCWE(#1611WE063), MTCUME(#1611UME050), MTCIPv6E(1610IPv6E022) , TRAINER(#TR0480), CCNA and CCNP )